Lee Hutchison (@Lee_Nostromo) is joined by the author of 'Opening The X-Files: A Critical History of the Original Series', Darren Mooney (@Darren_Mooney).
Darren Mooney is a pop culture critic currently working in Dublin, Ireland. He runs his own website (the m0vie blog), hosts a film podcast (The 250), and is a member of the Online Film Critics Society. Darren shares with Lee how his love of The X-Files lead him from fan to acclaimed author on the subject and being referenced by comedian and actor, Kumail Nanjiani. Darren and Lee discuss their expectations for season eleven and look back on the event series and the how the change in the television and cultural landscape has effected The X-Files going forward. You can buy Darren's fantastic book by clicking on the following links - Amazon UK, Amazon USA & McFarland Books Tune into The X-Cast podcast where Darren Mooney regularly contributes - http://thex-cast.blogspot.co.uk NOTE: There's a some minor issues with Lee's audio track, i apologise if this impacts your listening of the episode. |