Catch-up with Prodigy S3E1-E3
"Star Trek: Prodigy" is back! After an unexpected "cancelation" on Paramount+, season two finally found its way to Netflix (after a brief French detour). The entire season dropped at once, but the trio is taking itheir time to enjoy it - they chat about the first three episodes, encompassing the two-parter "Into the Breach" and "Who Saves the Saviors." The trio talk about re-introducing the crew, the unexpected places they've gone, new characters and ships, and all the other twists and turns that have occurred. These new Trek epsiodes continue to build on the franchise, not only referencing contemporary series, but serving as a mini-Voyager sequel with Admiral Janeway, the EMH, the Voyager-A, and Captain Chakotay. Is this really a kids' show or just a great Trek series for all ages?
Animated TNG series
A lifetime ago (in another Star Trek podcast), the trio, along with some help, created the idea of a zany late 1990s animated version of The Next Generation. Since then, real Star Trek animation has evolved, with the arrival of both "Lower Decks" and "Prodigy." As the crew of "Prodigy" begin their second season, the trio revisits "Star TreXtreme", adding to what modern animated Star Trek can look like. This includes revisiting some of original pitches from their prior podcast episode - seeing how they either predicted the future or just made some ridiculous ideas. Grab your skateboard, put on some sunglasses, and revisit the 1990s era of cartoon with Star TreXtreme! ---- Credit to Aaron Harvey for cover art and original idea contributions
Celebrating Captain's Day
Fans were introduced to the concept of "Captain Picard Day" in the seventh season of The Next Generation. Since then, it has taken a life of its own, with references in later shows like "Picard" and "Lower Decks", as well as real life celebrations of Captain Picard Day (typically June 16). The trio get into the holiday spirit to look at how Captain Picard Day may have started on the USS Enterprise-D and how it could have spread across the Starfleet to celebrate other captains (or station commanders). What would be the best entries in a student competition? What are other ways to celebrate? How much is children-led and how much is enjoy by other members of the crew? Get your papier-mâché ready for a nice sculpture of Jean-Luc's head as we celebrate Captain Picard Day.
New 90s Trek Show Pitch
Welcome to the late 1990s. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" has been off the air, entering the universe of feature films. "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" is ending, having found its voice and identity. "Star Trek: Voyager" has taken its first steps, and now carries the weight of continuing the franchise. What's next? In the original timeline of TV, Berman and company, under the auspices of UPN, begin development of a 22nd Century prequel series that will become "Enterprise." But what if ... the next series had continued the story of the 24th Century? The trio imagine what series will now air contemporaneously with "Voyager" in the late 90s. Enter "Star Trek: Starfleet Command," which takes a "higher decks" (if you will) approach to the operations of Starfleet and the Federation. See how planetside environments and Earth Spacedock provide unique settings to continue Trek adventures, spanning the post-Dominion War era. How will the Fleet be rebuilt? What scientific discoveries and exploration have been ignored during combat? Can the admirals actually agree about the future? And where does the real decision-making take place??? (HInt: Welcome to future golf!). Join this exciting new installment in the Trek franchise that never happened, with "Star Trek: Starfleet Command."
TOS plots in TNG
Trek has experimented with either re-visiting older episodes with new crews, as in DS9's "Trials and Tribble-ations" or SNW's "A Quality of Mercy", or recycling plots with TNG's "The Naked Now." The trio look at how exact stories from The Original Series would play out with The Next Generation crew. How would "Galileo Seven" work in Next Gen? Which Enterprise-D crew member would be forced back home in "Amok Time"? How would the classic episode "The City on the Edge of Forever" work in the 24th century? Join us as TOS stories play out in TNG - which combination of crew members can replace the triad of Kirk, Spock, McCoy? |