Change in Star Trek Shows
It is not a suprise that many shows in the Trek franchise evolve in style and tone from their very first episode. But what about during their entire span - which series changes the most during its run? The trio discuss every show in the franchise from TOS to Lower Decks, determining which show changed the most over time. Is it TNG with its introduction of new uniforms and Rikers' beard? Is it DS9 with Worf and the Defiant? What about Enterprise with its pre- and post-Xindi War stories? How different are the three season of Picard? What about time jumping Discovery? Join us as we discuss what changes and what stays the same in the Trek franchise.
Star Trek Comic Con News
The past few weeks have brought many updates for the Star Trek franchise that the trio jump into:
What upcoming Star Trek are YOU most excited about?
Star Trek Collectibles
There is no shortage of "merch" when it comes to Star Trek. From action figures to playsets, 3D-printed accessories to uniforms, there is so much to choose from. Which ones have been most meaningful to the trio during their fandom? They explore what they bought or acquired from their younger years to what "adult money" has helped them enjoy in their current period of Trekdom. Let us know your favorite items - or ones that are still on your list!
Building Series Off of Guest Ships
The Star Trek franchise is led by our different heroes and their ships (or station). During the course of their many adventures, they encounter other ships and crews, sometimes for just one episode, that nevertheless prove memorable. The trio pick the most interesting "guest ships" throughout the franchise that could lead their own series. Join us as we go round-robin style, pitching what a 23rd. C. based story of the all-Vulcan crew of the U.S.S. Intrepid would look like or how we could follow the continuing voyages of the I.K.S. Pagh through letters to Commander Riker, and much more!
Catch-up with Prodigy S3E1-E3
"Star Trek: Prodigy" is back! After an unexpected "cancelation" on Paramount+, season two finally found its way to Netflix (after a brief French detour). The entire season dropped at once, but the trio is taking itheir time to enjoy it - they chat about the first three episodes, encompassing the two-parter "Into the Breach" and "Who Saves the Saviors." The trio talk about re-introducing the crew, the unexpected places they've gone, new characters and ships, and all the other twists and turns that have occurred. These new Trek epsiodes continue to build on the franchise, not only referencing contemporary series, but serving as a mini-Voyager sequel with Admiral Janeway, the EMH, the Voyager-A, and Captain Chakotay. Is this really a kids' show or just a great Trek series for all ages? |